Members of the Armed Forces who were severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan will have the opportunity to learn adapted water skiing, scuba and other water sports as guests at the 2006 Adaptive Water Sports Festival, from July 6 though 9 in Rockaway Point. Presented by Disabled Sports USA, the Wounded Warrior Project, Graybeards, and the Fire Department of New York City (FDNY), the Adaptive Water Sports Festival has specially trained volunteers from the FDNY, including Firefighter Tom Westman, winner of the CBS 2005 Survivor series, to teach the Wounded Warriors. According to Disabled Sports USA, they expect at least 35 members of the Armed Forces and their families to participate as special guests.
This is the second annual Adaptive Water Sports Festival and part of Disabled Sports USA's nationwide Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project.
We think this is a great way to give back to those who really sacrificed for their country.
For further information contact
Disabled Sports USA.
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